The operators
and &&
are called conditional operators, while |
and &
are called bitwise operators. They serve different purposes.
Conditional operators works only with expressions that statically evaluate to
on both left- and right-hand sides.
Bitwise operators works with any numeric operands.
If you want to perform a logical comparison, you should use conditional operators, since you will add some kind of type safety to your code.
a | b: evaluate b in any case
a || b: evaluate b only if a evaluates to false
| is the binary or operator
|| is the logic or operator
Below are some conclusion here :
- the operand of every expression is evaluated before the operation is performed except for the short-circuit operators (&&, ¦¦) and ternary operator
- behaviour can produce unexpected results if you're not careful. For example, the following code illustrates what can occur if you try to set the value of a variable in an if condition and you always expect the new value to be available:
int i = 10; int j = 12; if( (i<j) ¦ (i=3) > 5 ) // value of i after oper: 3 if( (i<j) ¦¦ (i=3) > 5 ) // value of i after oper: 10 if( (i>j) & (i=3) > 5 ) // value of i after oper: 3 if( (i>j) && (i=3) > 5 ) // value of i after oper: 10
- with & and ¦ both operands are always evaluated
- with && and ¦¦ the second operand is only evaluated when it is necessary
- with ¦¦ (i<j) evaluates to true; there is no need to check the other operand as ¦¦ returns true if either of the operands are true
- with && (i>j) evaluates to false; there is no need to check the other operand as && returns true only if both operands are true. In this case one is false so there is no need to check the other operand
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